25 years of GWK
Adhesive tapes for
car and aircraft construction
Adhesive technology is increasingly proving itself in industry as an alternative to screws and rivets. Much to the delight of GWK Klebetechnik GmbH. The Solingen-based company has specialised in this field for 25 years. Over the past two years, the company has reorganised itself.

‘We're here to make a difference,’ says Ralf Bäumer. He has been the managing partner of GWK Klebetechnik GmbH for two years.

Photo: Tim Oelbermann
Scotch tape, parcel tape and masking tape can probably be found in most households, possibly even armoured tape. But using adhesive tape to connect car components, even aeroplanes? Yes, emphasises Ralf Bäumer, it works. And it is playing an increasingly important role in the aviation industry, for example, where every gram counts. The 54-year-old should know - he has been Managing Partner of GWK Klebetechnik GmbH for two years.
The Solingen-based company will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2024. A trio laid the foundation stone in 1999 and transformed the company from a pure trading company to a processing company in the years that followed. In the summer of 2022, Ahmad Katiela, the last founder, left the premises at Untengönrather Straße 50.
Ralf Bäumer and Dr René Rambusch bought his shares from him. The latter is the head of Certoplast, a supplier of technical adhesive tapes. The Wuppertal-based group is endeavouring to grow along the value chain. This is to be achieved by taking over other companies. Rambusch is joining forces with Bäumer, who has more than ten years of experience in the adhesive tape sector.
They have been putting this plan into practice at GWK since August 2022, with Ralf Bäumer responsible for operations. He is supported by Mohamed Charara, who is responsible for operations management, among other things. The 52-year-old knows the company well: he initially worked at the Scheuren industrial estate from 2008 to 2010 and returned in 2019.

‘We work very well together,’ emphasises Ralf Bäumer. The 54-year-old attributes this not least to their shared passion for athletics. He himself was an ambitious discus thrower, Charara a short-distance runner of stature. ‘Anyone who has done competitive sport shares certain basic ideas. We compete to make a difference.’

So far, they seem to be succeeding. After the takeover, the new owners said they had completely reorganised the company with around 40 employees. On the one hand, they focussed on the internal processes.

‘We have disciplined the production processes and thus increased efficiency,’ outlines Bäumer.

On the other hand, those responsible have endeavoured to regain the trust of customers. This was no easy task given the coronavirus pandemic, tense supply chains, the energy crisis and the resulting rise in prices. However, the Managing Partner believes GWK is on the right track:

‘Now we and our customers know 100 per cent what makes the company tick.’

Customers come from a variety of industries, including the healthcare, construction and electrical sectors. They are mainly based in Europe, but also in China, Mexico and America.
According to the Solingen-based company, which is a specialist processor for 3M Automotive, the automotive industry accounts for around 60 per cent of its turnover. The products are used, for example, to attach insulating mats and sound insulation in vehicle interiors as well as components in the bumper, but also in the batteries of electric cars. In addition, solutions are manufactured at Untengönrather Straße for attaching rain sensors to the windscreen, attaching lettering and emblems and protecting components with film.
The well-known vehicle manufacturers, many of whom rely on GWK, have a reputation for being difficult partners and making high demands. Mohamed Charara can confirm the latter. GWK undergoes IATF certification every year, according to which all processes are clearly specified. Although fulfilling these conditions is challenging, it sets the company apart from the competition.

‘We can't simply be replaced,’ emphasises the plant manager.

Although experience with the automotive industry has been positive, the Solingen-based company is endeavouring to diversify.

‘There is a sense of uncertainty among manufacturers and our ability to plan is suffering as a result,’ explains Ralf Bäumer.

He is therefore looking for new business areas. The bicycle industry is particularly attractive. The specifications there are less strict and the quantities are high. He does the maths: Four metres of rim tape are glued into each of the two wheels. There are also protective tapes and special adhesive tapes in e-bike batteries. The market is therefore interesting, even though it has already been tapped into. Nevertheless, GWK wants to get a foot in the door with innovations and process optimisation.

‘When we develop something new, we don't just supply the adhesive tapes, we also work with customers to consider how the products can be integrated into series production,’ explains Ralf Bäumer.

This service and the flexibility of the site are the company's strengths.
In Scheuren, not only single and double-sided adhesive tapes are customised to the needs of customers. Customised shapes can also be produced using the flat and rotary die-cutting process - for example for attaching antennas to car roofs.
The process requires a great deal of expertise.

‘Bonding is like alchemy,’ says Ralf Bäumer.

Ultimately, it is a physical interaction: the right adhesive must be found for the right material. If this is successful, nobody has to worry about durability - even in aeroplanes.
From Manuel Böhnke
Rheinische Post (Bergische Morgenpost / Solingen) 23.07.2024
About us
As experts for adhesive technology, we emphasise intensive, trusting and long-term collaboration with our customers and business partners in our corporate philosophy and activity. Adhesive is currently an integral component of nearly all sectors. We work together with you to find adhesive solutions in even the most demanding projects.
Frequently asked questions
› Is there a required minimum order quantity?
Our minimum order quantities are determined based on our roll and punch formats for various dimensions.
Get in touch with us and we will be glad to advise you!
› Are samples available ahead of time?
We would be glad to advise you with your application and can send you quality samples. Your testing of our products before use is extremely important - also with respect to possible influences affecting the application.
Get in touch with us and we will be glad to advise you!
› Our sector is not listed. Can you still provide me with a quotation?
Our quality tapes are versatile and suitable for use in nearly every sector.
Get in touch with us and we will be glad to advise you!
› Howe quickly can I receive my order?
Your order is processed on an individual basis. We would be happy to advise you in regard to production and delivery times.
Get in touch with us and we will be glad to advise you!